SmartQA Community

Interesting articles that enriches validation/quality activities we do, to do differently and smarter.
These consist of tips, suggestions, contrarian approaches and smart checklists etc.

12 Perspectives to High Performance QA

High Performance QA is about enabling the path to brilliant code, of doing less, and accomplishing more. High performance occurs when you articulate crisply, think clearly, organise well & execute nimbly. It requires a high performance mindset that is strong, clear, agile and value oriented.

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QA skills for digital world

Skills and competencies are most important. One needs to understand that it is not just the business or it’s not just the technology, it is both. One needs to acquire multiple skills.

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Enterprise Customers & Quality

Expectations are getting changed due to the disruptive nature of technology. Most of the people in some domains are on legacy platforms. Moving onto a digital platform definitely changes the role of QA, this needs to be planned.

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SmartQA Poster


Many years ago, we went on a holiday to Masai Mara, a lovely 1510 square km game reserve in Kenya. Here the animals are free in their natural habitat whilst humans are inside open top jeeps.

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What Masai Mara taught me about leadership

Want to be a successful leader? Let animals be your guide. Assemble varied skills to build a great team. Let good techniques and methodical action unleash the power. Watch progress and steer continuously. Be confident. Make decisions. Enable each individual to unleash their full potential. Finally enjoy the journey.

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