SmartQA Digest
Great code occurs due to a brilliant confluence of clean code mindset, good heuristics/tips and healthy software engineering habits. This week’s beEnriched section article 10 mindsets, 10 tips & 10 habits to clean code connects these using articles that were published earlier.
It is not a great working solution, it is not brilliant technology that makes deployment of an enterprise solution successful, it is ‘operationalising’ that is key to success says Zulfikar in the smartbits video “Operationalising is key“.
Hope you have checked out the new SmartQA web site at Guess you have noticed that all prior digests are also available here !

10 mindsets, 10 tips & 10 habits to clean code
December 26, 2019
A mashup of three articles published as part of SmartQA digest over the last few months that outlines mindsets needed to brilliant code, tips to produce clean code and habits to speed up evaluation

Black box thinking
November 14, 2019
Learning from failures .The inside story of how success really happens and how we cannot grow unless we learn from our mistakes.