T Ashok @ash_thiru on Twitter
A mashup of three articles published as part of SmartQA digest over the last few months that outlines mindsets needed to brilliant code, tips to produce clean code and habits to speed up evaluation
Here is a mashup of three articles published as part of SmartQA digest over the last few months that outlines mindsets needed to brilliant code, tips to produce clean code and habits to speed up evaluation.

Great code is not result of mere unit/dev testing at the early stage. It is really a mindset that is key to producing brilliant code. 10 things to be sensitive to deliver brilliant code outlines ten things that a developer should be very sensitive to enable the delivery of brilliant code.

10 Simple Tips to Clean Code has in detail, simple practices that can ensure that code developed is constantly cleansed. In current times where code is churned out at a rapid pace, it makes great business sense to contain the entropy continually.

Automation is a key enabler for rapid QA, the limiting function to speed is one’s skills. And this is where good habits come in. 10 Habits to Help You Speed Up Testing outlines these in detail.