Enterprise Customers & Quality

( In this SmartBits, Sriramadesikan Santhanam outlines “Enterprise Customers & Quality“.  The video is at the end of this blog)

Expectations are getting changed due to the disruptive nature of technology. Most of the people in some domains are on legacy platforms. Moving onto a digital platform definitely changes the role of QA, this needs to be planned. The technology change cannot be done abruptly because this is costing them. Whenever we plan to make any changes to our customers expectations, it has to be aligned to their business programs.

The most important aspect is how successfully QA will allow running the programs for them. Does it have less risks associated when they move from legacy to new modern platforms? 

We are talking about business issues occurring on the field. The most important is the field quality. How much defects are we able to reduce in the field quality when we make changes to them?