#58 – “Build in quality”

SmartQA Poster

SmartQA Digest

What does it take to Build In Quality? –  A set of brilliant ideas curated from four articles, a gist of which is highlighted here.

Building Quality In – “When looking at quality from a testing perspective, I would agree that it is not possible to build software quality in. To build quality in you need to look at the bigger picture. There are many ways to improve quality. It all depends on the problem. Maybe, you can automate something that previously had to be done by a human being. Maybe, you need training to better use the tools you have. Maybe you need to find a better tool to do the job. Or maybe, you need a checklist to remind you of what you need to look at. The possibilities are endless.

Reactive vs Proactive Quality Management – “To understand how to build quality into our products from the very beginning, we need to understand why this is not happening naturally. The most common way of preventing defects from reaching customers comes down to introducing a great number of inspections and countless KPI or metrics into the process. The problem with this approach is that it is reactive. And wasteful.

Shifting into proactive quality management – Lean management views the issue of quality and defects via the lens of value and continuous improvement

Scalable Definition of Done – “Definition of done is an important way of ensuring increment of value can be considered complete. The continuous development of incremental system functionality requires a scaled definition of done to ensure the right work is done at the right time, some early and some only for release.In an era where we are obsessed with productivity, it is not about doing more, of being busy that is deemed as high productivity. In fact it is the converse, of being smart, of doing less and accomplishing more.  Software tools help in increasing productivity by allowing us to do faster, better and cheaper.

Read the full article What does it take to Build In Quality? Complementing this is a lovely 4-minute smartbits video from Girish Elchuri  on “Build in Quality“.



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