SmartQA Digest
In this edition of SmartQA Digest, we bring you an interesting discussion with Jawahar Sabapathy on the theme “Modern system architecture and what it means to quality” as SmartBites video.
This week’s article ‘50 Tips to Smart QA” is an interesting collection of FIFTY tips that spans across many dimensions to enable one to become “Smart Tester”.
Initial analysis of recent Boeing 737 MAX crashes seem to indicate a deadly confluence of complex systems, stretched engineering & cost optimisation that drove systems off the edge, bugs that cost lives. A creative poem-poster titled “A (software) bug’s life” on bugs.

50 Tips to Smart QA
March 22, 2019
by T Ashok SUMMARYHere is an interesting collection of FIFTY tips that spans across many dimensions to enable one to become “Smart Tester”. 1. “Don’t