#33 – A special on “Build with Quality”

SmartQA Digest

In this edition of SmartBites Video, Girish Elchuri, Founder & CEO of Smuuth Innovative Solutions shares what it to takes to “Build with Quality” rather than ‘test-out’ quality, He shares his perspectives on design, code, process, organisational attitude and the need to execute every line of code as part of early test.
In ‘beEnriched’ section the article What does it take to Build In Quality? outlines set of brilliant ideas curated from four articles on with the first suggesting ten ways to build high quality into software, second one from Scaled Agile framework outlining the clear definition of Done, the third highlighting how lean thinking and management helps, and the last outlining how Poka-Yoke can help in mistake proofing.

Enjoy the poster “It is not about finding bugs, it is about being sensitive 

how they can creep in that matters.”
In ‘nanoLearning’, Raja Nagendra Kumar outlines four key “Habits to Clean Coding”:  ‘Understand that DONE MOVES'(1), ‘There will be bugs, and for heaven’s sake, LEARN and ADJUST’ (2), ‘It is not just about functionality, constantly focus on NFRs’ (3) and ‘Continually re-factor right so that you don’t get into ‘fire’.(4)







Four key habits to clean coding-(Raja Nagendra Kumar)

Raja Nagendra Kumar outlines FOUR habits to clean coding 

Firstly, whenever we say ‘DONE’, it is not actually from the business angle. Expect a lot of problems to come in, and handle them i.e. what we should keep as the scope of ‘done’, rather than the project manager declare it with whatever information I give.

Most of the time what actually happens is – from the definition of the process once it is done, there is a lot of bugs, regressions and fires. All these are actually telling you where the gap is in the ‘DONE’. The philosophy of a clean coder should be “ Don’t enjoy fire and never be in in fire”.

The best way to clean coding, is to understand issues as opportunities, treating bugs as inputs to make code better. At some point you will achieve, ‘Nirvana’ where you see the code you’ve written is actually scaling well, performing well, is able to adopt to new changes very well. That is my definition of clean code, rather than trying to measure it as a metric.

So, as long as you’re able to control the fire by a certain structure of the code, you are achieving clean code and there is a great benefit for a product to evolve faster.

Summarising Habit #1 ‘Understand that DONE MOVES’.
Habit# 2  ‘Well, there will be bugs, and for heaven’s sake, LEARN and ADJUST’
Habit #3 ‘It is not just about functionality, constantly focus on NFRs’
Habit #4 ‘Continually re-factor right so that you don’t get ‘fire’.

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