Role of human intellect in QA ( Sudhir’s view)

With the way artificial intelligence and machine learning is coming into play, there will come a time where a developer doesn’t need to write code. Just tell the chat bot, the business logic that you are thinking, it spits out the code. In fact, to some extent it’s happening today where the template code is ready.  Just plug in the business code, even in the testing world that is going to happen. Someday automation is going to be so intelligent which can be termed as intelligent automation systems where one just points at the software . Let’s take for example a UI automation, just point it to the URL. It probably captures everything. There is no need for human intervention. And it self-corrects whenever the things change in the  website or URL.

Sometimes when we say test automation, we unfortunately focus only on UI automation, whereas a big birth piece of the world actually is platform automation because as companies are transforming themselves to be known as platform organizations in the world. There is more technology on the platform side. The human interface on the UI side will minimize itself and this is where the transformation of the shift is probably focusing more on the  backend side The front end is going to be driven through mostly intelligent systems.

Our intervention as quality Engineers on the front-end side will get minimized over a period of time. Whereas on the piece of code. Ain’t always requires you to focus on code. It is not easy for any computer system or whatever system you build to understand the piece of code and magically write a unit test code. Because you understand the code and you can write the computer systems, can write positive and negative test cases, but that may be about 50% of the coverage the remaining 50% of the coverage on the code comes still through human. That is where the intellect is still needed. no chatbots, nothing will take over. 

In summary, you talked about extreme ownership and one side you talked about , the entire notion of going from black to white shift left  and then of course the end you said UI will kind of go away and then you will need intelligent people intelligent thinking to still be around in the back end and you kind of subsumed at the end the ownership card game that you know, the ownership now is extreme and you ultimately talked about meeting-less  collaboration. 

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The Power of Geometry

A good running form, a great cycling geometry becomes essential to delivering higher performance with no increase in power output in running and cycling respectively. Applying this to the context of QA, it is not just the content of test artifacts like scenarios/cases, plan that matters, it is how they are structured/organized that is key to accomplishing more with the same or less.

This article outlines how structure(or organization) of elements plays a key to doing more with less. In the subsequent two articles on this theme, we examine in detail, the arrangement of product elements and test artifacts and how these aid in clear thinking to deliver high performance.

Click here to read the full article published in Medium.

#29 : A special on “Understanding”

SmartQA Digest

The article I wrote “The Buddha story: Good understanding”, is all about how ‘understanding’ is knowing what is required, and learning to discard what is not necessary or deferring to a later stage.
On the same context, SmartBites features TEDx video titled “The power of listening” by William Ury. He explains how listening is essential for understanding, and often overlooked, half of communication.
The “nanoLearning” smartbits gives Vivek Mathur’s views on the ‘Role of human intellect in QA‘. He thinks understanding the business context cannot be reproduced by AI and will never be.



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Sketchnotes are purposeful doodling while listening to something interesting. Sketchnotes don’t require high drawing skills, but do require a skill to visually synthesize and summarize via shapes, connectors, and text. Sketchnotes are as much a method of note taking as they are a form of creative expression.

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