It takes right brain thinking to go beyond the left

Right brained creative thinking comes in handy to go beyond the left, to enable us to vary the paths, discover new paths and improving outcomes. Thinking creatively is about thinking visually, thinking contextually and thinking socially, using pictures to think spatially, using application context to react, experiment and question and then morphing into an end-user respectively.

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Left brain thinking to building great code

A logical ‘left brain’ thinking is essential to good testing. Testing is not just an act, but an intellectual examination of what may be incorrect and how to perturb them effectively and efficiently. This can be seen as a collection of thinking styles of forward, backward and approximate using methods that can be well-formed techniques or high order principles that is based on an approach of disciplined process, good habits and learning from experiences.

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To express well, choose the right medium

The medium that we choose to express our thoughts that emanate from our language-driven thinking is key to expressing well. Good expression is key to being clear and ensuring clarity in communication to others.

Any friction that can impede the free-flowing thoughts is very unwelcome, hence the medium of expression plays a vital role in the final transformation of thoughts to actionable ideas. A loose frictionless paper medium is very suited for early-stage ideas whilst a strict template/tool is more suited for capturing ideas fully and clearly.

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Three communication approaches to brilliant clarity

Clarity is often a reflection of the mind and great clarity implies an uncluttered mind. The style & structure of sentence matters to the way we think, understand, design, act and analyse. How we string the sentences and communicate is key to seeing everything and spotting the missing.

A judicious mix of unstructured human friendly(descriptive) storytelling approach with structured action-oriented prescriptive (rule/criteria based) approach and fact-rich visual approach expands the cognitive abilities enabling us to see the expansive full picture and also allowing us to swoop down as necessary.

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High-performance thinking using the power of language

This is the first article in the series of twelve articles “XII Perspectives to High-Performance QA”, outlining interesting & counter-intuitive perspectives to high-performance QA aligned on four themes of Language, Thinking, Structure & Doing.

In this article under the ‘LANGUAGE’ theme, we examine how language helps in enabling a mindset of brilliant clarity to ‘High-Performance Thinking”. Here I outline how various styles of writing, various sentence constructs & sentence types play a key role in the activities we do, as a producer of brilliant code from the QA angle.

Click here to read the article published in Medium.