SmartQA Community

#17 – “Accessibility #1”

SmartQA digest2

SmartQA Digest

Welcome to another edition of SmartQA Digest, the First of TWO part theme on “Accessibility”. Listen to Anuradha Biswas’s passionate exposition on accessibility. The featured article is a curation of SIX interesting articles on this theme.  Hope you like the poster on ‘Accessibility’ !

We have enhanced the SmartQA Digest with brilliant galleries of all the SmartBites, Posters, Articles. See the NEW “smartbits” gallery. Check these out at the end of SmartQADigest page.
Featured Image of article "Interesting articles on assessbility"

Interesting articles on Accessibility

This article is a collection of interesting aspects on accessibility curated form a set of SIX articles covering “What is accessibility”, “Six steps to create accessible designs”, “Ethical design”, “Dos and don’ts on designing for accessibility”, “Ten tips for making website accessible” and “How to create interfaces that benefit all”.

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